You can prepare yourself for the start of the challenge or event period by following the steps below:

  1. Check your email for the 'Welcome Email' and ensure the registered details are correct. If the details are wrong, please refer here

  2. Log into BiiB using the correct email used for registration
    1. If you are a NEW user - a temporary password will be provided in the 'Welcome Email'
    2. If you are an EXISTING user - please log in using the password you have used

  3. If you are using any of the third party apps (COROS, POLAR, Garmin or MapMyRun) - link that third party account to BiiB. Please ensure you link the correct accounts together.

  4. If you do not use any of the third party apps, check out how to make a manual submission. 

Please note that you do not need to make a manual submission if you already linked the correct third party account to the correct BiiB account and the activities are synced successfully. 

Related Articles:

How to make manual submission?

Linking third party app?